The proper ventilation of your wood burning fireplace or stove is important to prevent smoke from coming into the room. You will need to make sure that the chimney pipe is installed correctly so that there are no gaps left between the sections. Gaps can be a fire hazard because exposed areas can catch on fire after continued exposure to high temperatures and any small embers which escape from the fireplace. Whenever you install piping you should always use the same brand for the entire project and have the finished chimney properly inspected.
Use Chimney Pipe with a Steel Chimney Liner
You can update your existing clay liner in your chimney when it becomes damaged with a new stainless steel chimney liner. It is easy to connect the new chimney liner use an assortment of different chimney pipe connections to reach the fireplace as well as out through the top of the chimney. You can find all the materials for this type of project at Copperfield Chimney Supply .
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