
Wed, May 15, 2024

How to clean a soot-stained fireplace

Best products: Soap, Water and Elbow Grease

Soap and water with a good scrub brush will take soot off of bricks.l also need to employ a scrub brush. This will be a daunting task but you will be happy with the results.

You can also consider using a power drill with a brush attachment. This method will make the job a little easier, but be careful about over spray getting on your carpet, furniture etc

There are products available such as soot erasers. These can be used when you have build up that soap and water will not remove.

Krud Kutter and Brick Anew are other products that may help with your cleaning operation. Generally you can find these clean-up products at your local hardware or home improvement store. I like Ace Hardware as they usually have some good product advice. Bottom line is no matter what process you use, there will be considerable elbow grease involved in getting the job done properly.

Author: Copperfield Chimney Supply

Wed, May 15, 2024

The Expert Way Of Tackling Mold In Your Chimney...

More than 50% of homes in America have a mold problem, according to This Old House. While it’s common for bathrooms , kitchens and bedrooms to develop a mold problem, homeowners rarely consider looking for it in their chimney and fireplace. However, moldy chimneys and fireplaces are more common than you think, and could be the reason for the musty smell in your home , so it’s crucial you get rid of it once and for all.

Getting to the root cause

There are several different parts of your chimney that could be to blame for mold growth. As a general rule, it could be one of four things causing the mold:

  • A lack of ventilation
  • A damaged chimney crown
  • The brick and mortar
  • A damaged chimney cap

Mold occurs in damp and cold places, so when there’s poor ventilation, any damp that does get in has nowhere to go and causes mold. If the chimney crown or chimney cap fail, this can add to the amount of moisture that gets into your chimney, thus worsening the problem. Meanwhile failing to waterproof the brick and mortar that sits within the chimney allows an increasing amount of water to build up, and will quickly lead to mold growth.

Clean up operation

When you suspect that mold has taken over your chimney and fireplace, you should cease using it and arrange for it to be cleaned. If there’s just a small amount of mold visible then you can clean it with an anti-fungal spray and a scrubbing brush. However, it’s best to call in an expert mold cleaning service, as with a chimney, you can never be sure how far the mold has spread or the true extent of the problem . To tackle mold fully, a mold remediation company will thoroughly inspect, assess, and test your chimney and fireplace. From there, they’ll treat the mold with an anti-microbial system, before checking that the mold hasn’t spread further around your home.

Solving the problem

Once the mold from your chimney and fireplace have been professionally removed, you’ll find that your home will instantly smell better. To ensure that things stay this way, you’ll need to tackle the root cause of the problem. This means replacing any faulty parts of your chimney, installing adequate ventilation, and damp-sealing all the bricks and mortar in and around the chimney. It’s also a wise idea to have your chimney professionally inspected annually. An inspection will identify any damp problems early on so that you can take action to remedy them before the mold returns and ruins the inside of the chimney, emitting that annoying musty odor .

Just like any part of your home, your chimney and fireplace are susceptible to damp and mold problems. But there’s no need to worry if you do suspect that mold is invading your chimney, as it’s simple enough to remove it. And, so long as you take preventative action to keep it at bay for good, you won’t have to deal with again.

Author: Copperfield Chimney Supply

Wed, May 15, 2024

Mistakes not to make with your fireplace

It is important to have your fireplace properly inspected and cleaned by a pro before lighting for the first time each year. This will help to deter any hazards that could start a fire in your home, such as chimney blockage, weather deterioration, or invasive animal nests. It is also a great time to ask questions about how to safely use your fireplace.

  • If your fireplace has a mantel, it is important to pay attention to its shape and size in proportion to the fireplace and the rest of the room. Avoid oversized mantels that can dwarf the fireplace itself, but also steer clear of going too small, or it will look like a strange afterthought.
  • Because most fireplaces were built when the house was, it may not match your personal style or the rest of your interior. If your fireplace looks a little dated, paint the mantle a neutral color to help it fade into the background—or jazz it up with fresh, modern colors to give it a cutting edge look.
  • Fireplaces are cozy and charming, but they also can be dangerous. Avoid placing furniture, rugs, or knickknacks too close to a working fireplace. Keep the hearth clear of decor, firewood, and other household odds and ends.
  • Keep your firebox properly maintained and clean. Don’t allow ash to accumulate, as it can diminish the air quality of your home. Sprinkle coffee grounds over the ashes before sweeping to reduce flyaways, and scrub the walls of the fireplace with hearth cleaner to reduce soot.
  • Mounting a flat screen TV over a fireplace is a hot decorating trend but it comes at a cost. Hanging a TV too high prevents comfortable viewing from the couch, placing strain on the neck and back muscles. And putting it above the fireplace could also void the warranty on these products, which can burn a hole in your wallet.
  • Carbon monoxide detectors are essential in any home, especially if you have a fireplace. These detectors help alert you of dangerous venting issues, or gas leaks. Install one detector in the same room as your fireplace, as well as one on every level of your house including the basement. Test the batteries monthly, and replace the detector every 5 to 10 years.

Author: Copperfield Chimney Supply

Wed, May 15, 2024

Create The Ultimate Cozy Cabin Getaway This Fal...

One recent study found that fall is America’s favorite season (among 29% of respondents). Additionally, Christmas is consistently named as the nation’s favorite holiday, with Thanksgiving close by in almost every poll. It’s no surprise, then, that fall and winter are often associated with cozy memories, warmth, quality time with family, and times of joy. If you are planning a seasonal getaway to your cabin this fall or winter, you may already be dreaming about making memories like the ones listed above.

An excellent way to prepare for your cozy getaway is to enhance the rooms in your cabin . If you are looking for ways to create a warm and welcoming feel to your space , explore these top design strategies.

Find the right fireplace for your space

Optimizing your cabin space for a cozy getaway starts with choosing the right fireplace. Fireplaces are not only a design element that enhances overall ambiance, but they also provide a practical way to heat a room . Rather than picking a fireplace that appeals to you online, it’s essential to ensure that your chosen fireplace fits the size of your space, the colors in your cabin, and that it meets your needs. Start by measuring the desired area you’d like the fireplace to cover, and contact a professional for recommendations. Next, choose a fireplace that works well with your future or existing decor (depending on your plans for the space). Finally, decide whether you are looking for a gas fireplace or a wood burning option. Carefully assessing each of these elements will ensure that you get the coziest feel from your new fireplace.

Add “warm” decor elements

Your cabin decor is another crucial component of how “warm” each room feels. When painting and adding decorative elements, choose colors that reflect natural elements from the season of your choice. A color palette that includes brown, red, and dark orange shades is an excellent way to capture the feel of falling leaves, pumpkins, and maple syrup. For a warm winter feel, dark green, brown, and red make the perfect starting color palette. To add physical warmth, make blankets, pillows, and throws part of your decor.

Create a DIY beverage station

Whether your getaway is planned for fall or winter, a DIY beverage station is a fun way to add even more coziness to the experience. Your guests can enjoy a delicious, warm cup of cider or hot cocoa at their convenience on chilly days. In addition to the actual beverage being served, provide enhancements such as caramel, marshmallows, whipped cream, and sprinkles.

If you’re ready for your coziest-ever cabin getaway this fall or winter, following the above tips is a great way to get started. Make memories that will last a lifetime for both you and those who will be traveling with you!

Cassandra Pearson

Author: Copperfield Chimney Supply

Wed, May 15, 2024

Should we replace our dated fireplace surround?

Q. Our fireplace surround is outdated brick. Should we replace it before selling?

Most people like the idea of a fireplace and the fireplace can and does ad value to your home when you go to sell it. Deciding to update the face/surround of the fireplace before selling can be difficult. Do you spend the money and will you get the investment back when you sell. If your present fireplace face / surround looks good but maybe just a little outdated, you may opt to leave it alone. On the other hand, if your fireplace facing is outdated and no longer consistent with the decor' of you home, it would be a good investment in replacing the fireplace front.

There are many options in redoing your fireplace front. Brick is often selected but maybe most expensive. The important thing to keep in mind is that whatever product you use, it must be non-combustible. You should locate a manual for your fireplace which will clearly state the clearances you will need from the fireplace to any combustibles. In many cases, your local fireplace shop can be of great assistance in this process.

Author: Copperfield Chimney Supply

Wed, May 15, 2024

Restoring a neglected fireplace

Many people fall into the category of having no power after Hurricane Sandy swept through the state. And many turned to wood-burning fireplace for warmth and light.

Fireplaces have become the focal point of many homes and serves as a beautiful backdrop for parties. Fireplaces also create a sense of home when the entire family gathers around the fireplace to share memories and laughter.

If you have an older inoperable fireplace (as found in many older homes) that you want to put back into service, first you should assure that the chimney is operable and safe. A chimney sweep is the best source for make sure your chimney is in good shape and usable.

What you find behind a wall can be amazing. Anything from an old brick structure where the chimney has been removed to a completely operable brick fireplace. Sometimes all you need is a little facing renovation and you're all set to enjoy a newly commissioned fireplace. On the other hand, the old fireplace may have been covered over simply because the fireplace was no longer safe to use and therefore you have to make another choice if you want a fireplace. In some cases, a professional restorer can bring the old fireplace back to operable condition.

If you are restoring an older fireplace, there are many choices for the surrounding materials, including granite, marble, wood, and stone. You should also make sure the interior of the fireplace is intact, including an operable damper. There are commercially available brick liners that can be used to rejuvenate the interior of the fireplace.

Any fireplace or chimney that has not been used for a long time should be thoroughly cleaned and inspected before putting it back into operation. If there was a previous owner using the fireplace, you have no idea when the fireplace was serviced, what type of wood was burned and how the fireplace was operated. Creosote is very flammable and only proper cleaning will remove it. Generally you should have your fireplace cleaned and serviced once per year.

If your newly discovered fireplace is declared inoperable, you do have other choices, such as a gas, pellet or wood fireplace insert. With a new insert, you will have great athletics plus very high efficiency resulting in a great deal of heat from the fuel your choose to burn.

Author: Copperfield Chimney Supply