
Wed, May 15, 2024

Different Types of Chimney Pipe for Gas and Wood Burning Units

There are different types of chimney pipe available for venting your gas and wood burning fireplaces and stoves. Wood burning units require piping which are made from stainless steel in order to prevent deterioration when burning wood. Gas fireplaces do not necessary need a chimney, but do require some sort of vent. At a minimum gas units require a direct vent to the outside along an exterior wall of the home.

Chimney Pipe is Different for Wood Stoves and Wood Fireplaces

The types of chimney pipe, available on our website, here at Copperfield Chimney Supply, you use for a wood stove may be different from what you would use for a wood fireplace. Stainless steel all fuel chimney products can be used on all types of wood stoves and certain fireplaces. Black stove pipe is designed for use as a connector pipe for wood burning stoves, but not fireplaces and black stove pipe cannot be used for a chimney. Always check with the manufacturer of your wood burning unit to make sure you get the right type of venting.

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.
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