
Wed, May 15, 2024

Fireplace and wood stove start up procedures

Winter being upon us, we start thinking about the cold damp nights and the cozy warmth of snuggling up to a fireplace or wood burning stove. There are some important things to remember when getting ready to start operating your heating appliance.

  • A fireplace or wood stove is not intended for burning trash.
  • If you have an open type fireplace (no doors) make sure you always operate the unit with a screen barrier so as to eliminate an sparks from flying into the living area.
  • Never use flammable liquids such as kerosene or charcoal light to start your fire.
  • Make sure the fire is extinguished before retiring for the evening.
  • Only small amounts of firewood should be stored in the home, the balance of your wood should be stored outside. Firewood is a vehicle for bugs to enter the home.
  • If your fireplace is equipped with a damper, keep it closed whenever the fireplace is not in operation.
  • Last but not least is you should always check your chimney to make sure it is clean and safe to operate. If there are signs of creosote build up, you should have professionally cleaned before operating the fireplace.

Author: Copperfield Chimney Supply
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