As winters go, the North Jersey region lucked out last year, with no substantial snow and relatively mild temperatures. But if forecasters are correct, we may be in for a colder-than-normal season this time around, with above-average accumulations of the white stuff.
One way homeowners can combat the chill and make an investment in their home is by purchasing a wood stove or a wood-stove insert for their fireplace.
"Wood stoves are an excellent additional heating source," said Bob McNamara, owner of McNamara Fireplaces and Stoves, Pearl River, N.Y. ( "I tell customers that they can turn a cold, drafty fireplace into an efficient heater by purchasing a [wood stove] insert."
"Adding a wood stove insert can take a zero-percent-efficient fireplace and make it 75-percent efficient," said Dave Shirghio, owner of County Wood Stoves, Sparkill, N.Y. ( He added that his business has been brisk. "We’re always busy this time of year, but people are really getting prepared for what might be a cold winter season."
One-touch Technology
McNamara said the popularity of wood stoves and inserts has brought about an interesting industry change - "Models are now available with a one-touch ignition system." He explained that the feature works by the same technology as that of a kitchen stove - a push-button "sparks" the element that heats up and ignites the wood.
"You don’t have to use newspaper or firestarter [products] to get the stove going," he said. "One click of a button will do it."
The wood also burns hotter compared to other models, McNamara said, at approximately 1,400 degrees. Depending on the efficiency of the model, the temperature inside the average wood stove/insert ranges from 500 to 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the Hearth, Barbecue and Patio Association.
Cost for this one-touch feature is about $349, on top of the price of the stove or insert.
"This really shocked the market," McNamara said. "We’re very excited, and customers are going to love it."
Go Green, Save Green
Both retailers said wood stoves have become more popular than gas in recent years, because wood is more abundant and less expensive. Also, it produces far fewer emissions, thanks to newer technology.
Some manufacturers now produce hybrid fire stoves that give off very low emissions. Older wood stoves can have particulate emission rates of 30 or more grams per hour (g/hr). In the late 1980s, the Environmental Protection Agency tightened regulations and established more efficient standards. Manufacturers have worked since that time to adhere to and surpass the regulations, with the latest models carrying a .58 g/hr rating.
"It’s unbelievable, how efficient these stoves are now," said McNamara.
Depending on the size and style, a stove can run $1,900-$3,000 and installation can cost another couple of thousand dollars. Installation of a fireplace insert is less than $1,000, on average.
But the return can be worth it. Shirghio said a customers’ savings on heating per month can range from a few dollars to a few hundred. "It depends on how much you use the stove, of course, but it can make an incredible difference in the long run," he said.
How They Work
Wood stoves come in a variety of models and can be used inside existing fireplaces or as stand-alone fixtures. Most can be installed against a first-floor outside wall, McNamara said.
Installation, which always should be completed by a licensed professional, includes creating a hole for an exhaust pipe through which the gases escape. Inside the compartment, you build a fire much as you would in a fireplace, and radiant heat is emitted to warm the home.
"A wood stove can heat spaces up to 2,500 square feet," McNamara said. "Rooms that are at far ends of the house won’t benefit as much, so location is important."
In large homes, Shirghio recommended having a standard heating system - an oil or gas furnace - for rooms that don’t get the benefits of the stove.
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