Does your fireplace always seem to have an odor, even when you're not using it?
If you're fireplace chimney has not been inspected and cleaned for some time and has a build-up of creosote and other materials, that will almost certainly be the problem. The problem is exaggerated if you have any negative pressure in the home which will result in air coming down the chimney and into the room. Negative pressure can be caused by any number of things including kitchen and bath fans, improper chimney height, smaller homes with no make-up air system.
Don't be fooled by false claims that artificial logs and powders will clean the chimney. While they might elimiate some light soot build up in the firebox, they will not clean your chimney to the extent it should be cleaned. They could leave you with the idea your chimney is clean when in reality it is not and could result in a dangerous chimney fire. The only way to properly clean the chimney is to brush it with commercially available brushes. Once you have the chimney clean, burning better quality dry hardwoods will help prevent future build-up.
Glass doors can also help the odors from within the fireplace from escaping into the room. However must glass doors do not seal tightly and will not totally eliminate the problem.
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