
Wed, May 15, 2024

Wood Stove Safety Tips To Help Loved Ones Keep ...

Seniors over the age of 65 are three times more likely to be injured or lose their life in a home fire than younger people. Home fires are more likely to occur during the winter, when various heating methods are being used. Wood stoves create a pleasant atmosphere , heat the home well, and are commonly seen in senior’s homes, but they can present risks. If you have family, such as elderly parents, who are vulnerable and use a wood stove, there are some precautions you can take to help keep them safe and give yourself some peace of mind.

Regular maintenance and cleaning

Regularly maintaining and cleaning wood stoves can help to keep older relatives safe. Ideally, this should be done by a professional who can also inspect the flue for any problems, and make sure that everything is working as it should. Creosote can build up in the wood stove and chimney, and will need cleaning thoroughly . This should be done at the end of each winter, or whenever your loved ones are done using their wood stove for the year, and at least once during the winter while it’s being regularly used. You may need to arrange regular maintenance for seniors in case they forget or are unaware that it needs doing.

Prioritize safety

Safety should always come before anything else when warming the home. In some circumstances, the risks that a wood stove presents outweigh the benefits, and opting for alternative heating solutions can be a better option. For example, a senior with dementia may leave their wood stove unattended or play with it out of confusion, or they may have a physical illness, like arthritis, that makes it difficult for them to manage a wood stove. If they live with someone else who can take responsibility for the wood stove then it’s not as big of a problem, but for seniors living at home alone it’s important for their loved ones to assess the risks and how safely their wood stove can be used. Assistive technology can give you peace of mind if your loved one lives alone, as they can call for help easily if something goes wrong while they're using the stove.

Precautions family can take to protect seniors

There are plenty of things loved ones can do to reduce the risk of a fire or injuries from a wood stove. Placing it on a fire-resistant base will reduce the chance of hardwood or carpeted floors becoming hot and catching fire. Ensuring any wood used for burning is dry and well-seasoned, which usually takes about two years, helps to minimize the amount of creosote and tar that builds up in the wood stove and chimney, as well as reducing the amount of smoke produced. Logs should be kept away from the wood stove, as stacking them next to it can increase the chance of a fire. Seniors may benefit from having a fireguard in place to reduce the risk of them falling into the fire or the temptation to go near it. This can be particularly helpful if someone else in the home is responsible for the wood stove and there’s no need for seniors to touch it at all.

Seniors can safely use and enjoy their wood stove to warm their homes, but loved ones can take some precautions and follow basic safety tips to reduce any risks and give themselves peace of mind throughout the winter.

Author: Copperfield Chimney Supply

Wed, May 15, 2024

Take Charge of Your Indoor Air Quality

Old and traditional wood-burning appliances are amongst the leading indoor pollutants that can cause asthma attacks, cancers, or other respiratory diseases. However, new alternatives have been developed to make wood burning appliances more eco-friendly. Through those efforts, multiple alternatives have been created to allow homeowners to take control of their indoor air quality.

Efficient Alternatives

Stoves, heaters, dryers, and fireplaces all play a significant role in the air quality in your home. Old wood burning appliances are inefficient and burn off carbon monoxide. But current models have been able to significantly reduce emissions while doing an even better job at warming you and your home. Older wood burning appliances can produce up to 30 grams of smoke per hour, with the EPA’s performance standard being 4.5 grams per hour. Electric appliances also offer eco-friendly benefits with traditional satisfaction. These appliances are easily installed and do not need a gas or vent line to work, while gel and biofuel stoves add another environmentally conscious option that also provide eco-benefits. From current efficient wood burning models to electric and biofuels, there are several alternatives to tackle your indoor air pollution.

Keep It Simple, Use Water

The presence of water can have a significant impact on the quality of air in your home. While humidity might not be the first guess for cutting into the presence of indoor pollutants, it might be the smartest. It is common for indoor air pollutants to hold a slight electric charge. A water source in the home such as a pond or fountain can trap these allergens and improve the air quality. These water sources can also humidify the room and change the air. Humidity levels play a large part in the air quality in your home with the ideal level staying around 45 percent . If this level rises above 60 percent, it can run the risk of forming mold or mildew in your home causing major health problems. If these levels dip under 30 percent, anything from skin irritation to a respiratory infection is possible. Simply taking care of your indoor humidity levels can go a long way.

Take Matters Into Your Own Hands

Maintaining a high standard indoor air quality is important to the health of any homeowner. With efficient wood burning appliances, you can enjoy their traditional benefits while working to reduce the pollutants in your home. Electric, gel, and biofuel appliances provide alternatives with the same comfort of traditional models. By enjoying these appliances responsibly as well as maintaining an acceptable humidity level, your indoor air quality will improve drastically.

Cassandra Pearson

Author: Copperfield Chimney Supply

Wed, May 15, 2024

How to Fight Indoor Air Pollution and Save on H...

Americans are spending more time at home and indoors than ever before due to the ongoing COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. When the pandemic hit, not only did the unemployment rate skyrocket to its worst level since the Great Depression , but those who were able to work remotely started doing so in record numbers. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a stunning 31% of workers switched to working from home by early April 2020. Schools and universities quickly shut down, sending millions of students home to take classes online. With businesses from hotels to restaurants to gyms shuttering seemingly overnight, even recreation was suddenly restricted to people’s own backyards.

As of August 2020, all states are in some phase of reopening, but life is not back to normal. With many businesses still closed and safety protocols such as mask-wearing and social distancing in place, those who are able to stay home are mostly still choosing to do so .

All this staying home means a lower risk for contracting COVID-19, but it also means more potential exposure to indoor air pollution. While outdoor air pollution levels are regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor levels are not. So it’s up to you to make sure the air your family is breathing is as healthy as possible. Fortunately, this can be a win-win, as many of the measures that reduce indoor air pollution can also result in significant discounts on your homeowners insurance.

In this article:

What is Indoor Air Pollution?

Indoor air pollution refers to contaminants in the air you breathe inside a building — in this case, your home. Indoor air pollution can cause immediate health effects, such as irritation of the eyes and throat, fatigue, headaches, and dizziness. It can also worsen existing conditions such as asthma. In addition, some indoor pollutants can cause long-term health problems such as heart disease and even cancer. Here’s an overview of some common indoor pollutants.

Air Pollutant Description Impact on Home
Mold Mold is a naturally occurring organic substance that breaks down dead material such as fallen leaves. Indoors, though, it can pose health risks. There are many types of molds, some more dangerous than others, but all need moisture to survive. Some molds cause irritation or allergic reactions, while others contain toxic compounds known as mycotoxins. Watch for symptoms such as runny nose, red or watery eyes, sneezing and skin rashes. Mold can also cause extensive damage to your home.
Carbon monoxide Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless, tasteless gas. In the home, it generally comes from leaking or poorly maintained gas appliances, wood stoves or fireplaces. Health impacts range from fatigue and chest pain at low concentrations to flu-like symptoms and brain fog at moderate concentrations to acute illness or even death at high concentrations.
Lead Lead is a naturally occurring element that was once added to many household products, including paint, dishes and water pipes. Although it is no longer used, it may still be present in homes built before 1978. Children and pregnant women are at highest risk from lead exposure. Premature birth, low birth weight, behavioral problems, hyperactivity and anemia are common. In adults, lead can cause reproductive problems, cardiovascular disease and reduced kidney function.
Nitrogen dioxide Nitrogen dioxide is a toxic, corrosive gas that is typically associated with defective gas appliances such as stoves or heaters. Nitrogen dioxide is a respiratory tract irritant. It can cause allergy-like symptoms, worsen asthma, contribute to the development of bronchitis and raise the risk of respiratory infections in children.
Stoves, heaters, fireplaces and chimneys Stoves, heaters, fireplaces and chimneys can be vehicles for some of the pollutants mentioned above. To guard against exposure, make sure they are properly cleaned and maintained. Impacts vary depending on which specific pollutants are involved.
Pet dander Pet dander, or the skin cells that flake off pets with fur or feather, is a common irritant in many homes. Pet dander is generally not a concern for those without pet allergies or asthma. In sensitive individuals, irritation of the eyes and nose, coughing, and wheezing are typical symptoms.
Tobacco smoke Tobacco smoke contains hundreds of chemicals known to be hazardous. Indoor smoking does not allow these toxins to escape, creating a buildup in the air and on surfaces. Tobacco smoke can cause respiratory tract irritation, including coughing and watery eyes. Over time, exposure is also linked to lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke.

Preventing Coronavirus Cases With Better Air Quality

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in addition to the larger droplets expelled by coughing or sneezing, the coronavirus is easily spread through the aerosols generated by talking, singing, or even breathing. These aerosols disperse fairly quickly outdoors but can hang in the air for hours indoors.

“We really do think that being indoors is where most of the transmission is occurring,” Shelly Miller, professor of environmental engineering who studies indoor air quality at the University of Colorado at Boulder, told WBUR . “And it’s pretty rare now to see anything related to outbreaks from outdoor conditions.”

Asymptomatic people (those who are infected but have no symptoms) can easily transmit the virus indoors. Therefore, maintaining indoor air quality can help combat the spread.

How coronavirus could enter your home

Of course, COVID-19 can’t spread in your home unless it finds an entry point. There are several ways in which the virus could enter your home:

External transmission — Family members who work or socialize outside the home may be exposed by co-workers, customers, friends, or even strangers. They could then unknowingly bring the virus home.

Hosting get-togethers — Hosting gatherings at home, even when socially distanced, increases the risk of introducing the virus. Remember, you can’t guarantee that your friends or even your family members have been following all safety protocols.

Face coverings and other surfaces — Though they are even more effective at stopping you from infecting others, new research shows that wearing a face-covering or mask can cut your risk of contracting the coronavirus by up to 65%. However, the virus can live on face coverings, like all surfaces . Therefore, it’s important to carefully handle your mask when you remove it, and then dispose of it or wash it immediately. It’s also a good idea to wipe down groceries and packages when you bring them inside and leave your shoes at the door. Also, wash your hands after touching anything potentially contaminated.

What if someone tests positive?

If someone in your home does contract the coronavirus despite your best efforts, indoor air quality measures can help reduce (though not eliminate) the risk of in-home transmission. Note that boosting air quality alone can’t get rid of the virus, but it can be an effective part of a cohesive overall risk reduction plan. Here are some things you can do :

Boost natural ventilation Open windows and doors on opposite sides and floors of your home. Use fans to move the air, taking care not to point them in such a way as to blow air directly from one person to another.

Upgrade your HVAC filters — Better filtration may increase the amount of virus that is removed from the air. Consider upgrading to high-efficiency filters, but check your owner’s manual to determine the maximum filtration your HVAC system can tolerate.

Use a portable air purifier — In tandem with other precautions, a portable air purifier can help to remove more coronavirus from the indoor air. Consider placing a portable purifier in the room where you spend the most time, taking care not to blow the air directly from one person to another.

Other steps to take include isolating the ill person in one room with a separate bathroom, wearing masks and maintaining social distancing inside your home, and not sharing food or utensils. Be sure to frequently disinfect all commonly touched surfaces, such as light switches and doorknobs.

Tips for Improving Your Indoor Air While Saving on Your Home Insurance

There are a few things you can do to improve your indoor air quality that may also help you save money on your homeowners insurance. Every insurance company and policy is different, so check with your insurer for details. In general, though, these tips may bring you a discount:

• Install protective devices for your indoor air like gas leak detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and smoke detectors. These devices can also save lives, since a gas leak or a fire could quickly turn deadly.

• Update your wood or gas stove to an electric stove. Chefs may prefer gas stoves, but both wood and gas can emit harmful chemicals if not carefully maintained. By switching to an electric stove, you can save on homeowners insurance.

• Stop smoking or vaping, at least indoors. It’s best, of course, to kick the habit. But if you’re not ready to quit, consider setting up a smoking area in your backyard. This will allow smoke, and the hazardous chemicals it contains, to dissipate rather than building up.

• See if your roof needs replacing. An updated roof can prevent excess moisture from collecting in your attic, which is a common cause of mold buildup.

• Consider investing in a dehumidifier. Toxic black mold is common in humid climates, and insurance carriers may not pay to have it removed if you don’t try to mitigate the situation.

• Replace lead pipes and repaint walls that may have lead paint. Lead is most dangerous when it starts peeling or chalking, but it can still cause problems even in relatively good condition. A good coat of modern latex paint will seal the lead paint underneath.

• It’s true that so-called “aggressive” dog breeds are unfairly maligned, but if you’re looking for a new dog, your insurance company may prefer that you choose a “non-aggressive” breed. Regardless, a short-haired, low dander breed is a better choice for indoor air quality.

What Can I Do Right Now?

Some improvements, such as upgrading your roof, take time. But there are some easy things you can do right now to boost your home’s indoor air quality. Here are a few tips:

• Open windows to promote natural airflow and boost ventilation. If possible, choose windows at opposite ends of the house and use fans to push air back and forth.

• Use a doormat to prevent additional biological contaminants from being tracked inside. In addition, there is some evidence that the coronavirus can live on the soles of shoes, so you may want to get in the habit of removing your shoes at the door.

• Dust and vacuum your house. Dust is a prevalent allergen, and dusting and vacuuming will also eliminate pet dander and other common irritants.

• Pick up new filters at your local hardware store — but not just the obvious ones! In addition to upgraded HVAC filters, also grab new filters for your vacuum cleaner and kitchen vent. Thoroughly clean your clothes dryer’s lint filter. Also, make sure you have enough face masks — and filters, if your masks have a filter pocket.

Some bad news for plant lovers: Despite popular wisdom, it turns out that house plants won’t do much to clean your indoor air. Research shows that the number of plants you would need to cleanse the air in an average drafty, cluttered home would be virtually impossible to achieve. There are certainly benefits to fresh plants, but you’ll need to choose other methods to boost your air quality.

Putting It All Together

Indoor air quality is always important, but never more so than when people spend an extended amount of time inside. With the COVID-19 pandemic keeping people home from work, school, and recreation, combined with the fact that it spreads most easily indoors, now is the time to do what you can to boost the quality of your indoor air. Fortunately, some of the same techniques that can help reduce the risk of spreading the virus through the air in your home will also lower the levels of common pollutants in your home. You may even become eligible for homeowners insurance discounts along the way.

Your goals should be to improve ventilation, boost filtration, and lower the number of contaminants in your home. From opening windows to upgrading your HVAC filters to regular vacuuming, these easy-to-follow strategies won’t guarantee that your family won’t get sick, but they can form an important part of your overall risk management plan.

Author: Copperfield Chimney Supply

Wed, May 15, 2024

Zone heating generates cost-effective comfort

Laura Streitman says deciding to install three wood-burning fireplace inserts in her Butler County home was not a tough decision.

“It was the cost,” she says about heating the all-electric home. “The first bill we got, I think, was about $650.”

Now, she says, they have cut that amount by about 30 percent by turning to zone heating as a way of paying less to stay warm. The American Council on Energy-Efficient Economy estimates zone heating can reduce a home energy bill by 20 percent to 40 percent.

“You can knock $1,000 a year off a heating bill in an old home,” says Laura McDaid, vice president of Hearth & Home in Zelienople, the company that installed the Streitman inserts.

Zone heating has risen as a way of warming a home, as residents only heat the parts of the homes that are being used. That decision allows the furnace to be lowered for the whole house, not heating bedrooms, for instance, when they aren't being used during midday.

“Think of it: We only really use 40 percent of our home, so why should we pay to heat 1,900 square feet of unused space?” says Jess Baldwin, director of stove programs for Monessen Hearth Systems, a Kentucky maker of hearth inserts.

Mike Buckiso, co-owner of Fireplace & Patioplace in four area locations, says zone heating has been a big boon for his business, often because homeowners buy more than one unit to heat various parts of a home.

It is not a cheap job, McDaid says. A gas-burning furnace insert can cost between $3,500 and $5,500 but are efficient enough to make that investment pay off, she says.

Baldwin agrees, saying high-efficiency gas heaters generally are “ventless” and burn 99 percent of the gas they use, thus needing no vent.

“How often can you tell a person he is going to get 99 percent of the amount of fuel he uses, “ he says.

At it simplest, zone heating could be done just by shutting all the doors in a room and letting the occupants' body heat make the room cozy.

The solutions also could involve plug-in heaters and other devices, but Laura Wheeler, communications director for the Virginia-based Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association, says efficiency and dependability are the keys to zone heating.

That organization deals with a range of heating elements, from those that cook food to those that heat. She says inserts have become one of the most popular ways of doing the heating job because of the efficiency. They fit into practically any hearth and provide a great deal of heat with little fuel waste. Plus, both gas and wood inserts have blowers that push warm air into the room.

“One of the problems with fireplaces,” Buckiso says, “is that a lot of the heat is carried up the flue.”

McDaid says gas inserts can easily top 85 percent efficiency, often going into the 90s; wood inserts cleanly burn 75 to 80 percent of the fuel they use.

The size of the inserts is a plus in many older homes with hearths that were made to burn gas. To convert one of those to a wood-burning fireplace would require creating a bigger firebox and installing a bigger flue, sometimes not possible.

Inserts fit, however, and are often helped by another design element.

“In those older homes, you have rooms with pocket doors, so you can slide them shut and really keep that room warm,” McDaid says.

Gas inserts can be controlled with a thermostat, also adding to the efficiency, McDaid says, explaining the burners are shut off when the heat is not needed.

Wheeler says wood inserts, naturally, do not have the benefit of a thermostat, but, because the fuel-burning is so efficient, heat can be regulated by hand and the warmth kept steady for a time by building a solid fire. She compares it to building a fire in a soapstone stove, which gets hot and then stays hot.

Efficient production of heat also can be generated by a pellet stove, the experts say, but they have lost some of their popularity because of one major element of design. Those stoves create heat from the steady supply of tiny wood pellets fed to the blaze through an auger. The auger is electric, and many homeowners want their heat supply to be independent from any other utility.

McDaid says the reliance on electricity and the need to keep pellets safe and dry has worked to trim interest in pellet stoves, while Wheeler says the simplicity of keeping fuel in stacked bags of pellets makes them popular. Plus, she adds, they are a green, renewable source, many coming from ground woods or plastics.

Naturally, the layout of a house has a great deal to do with how zone heating is used. Just as McDaid describes closing the pocket door of a Victorian house to create a warm spot, Wheeler says using two inserts at the opposite ends of an open-concept design can warm a whole floor.

Streitman says she decided to go with inserts in her kitchen and living room about a year ago to warm the two busiest spots for her nine-member family. A little more than a month ago, they decided to put one in a basement family room.

“If I had to do it all over again, I would have done the basement first,” she says. “It is creating warm air that rises and helps the first floor.”

Baldwin says that aspect of creating warm air is one of the advantages of the blower-ready inserts. Stoves, even efficient stoves such as soapstone ones, create warmth simply by being warm objects, not by replacing cool air with warmer.

Of course, such benefits can emerge as a surprise. George Garces of Upper St. Clair says he and his wife decided to install an insert purely to make the room look better. Because ventless inserts require no flue, they had it installed in a wall in the house “just for aesthetic reasons.”

That was in August, and he admits reducing energy bills was not one of the ends he had in mind.

“We haven't had it long, so I can't tell you about savings,” he says. “But I can tell you one thing: We were able to wait a bit longer before we turned on the furnace this year.”

Author: Copperfield Chimney Supply