
Wed, May 15, 2024

Class and Style Are Standard with Napoleon Wood...

If you are looking for class and style then look no further than Napoleon wood stoves. They are available in a variety of sizes to fit any room and glass windows for a picturesque flame view giving your home a sense of warmth. Available in a cast iron look, one of these beautifully designed stoves are sure to help you create the home you want. Ranging from black to a subdued brown and your choice of pedestal or four-legged design, you are sure to find the perfect wood stove for your home or office.

Napoleon Wood Stoves are Available in Efficient Fuel

Having only one type of fuel to be concerned about is what Napoleon wood stoves can offer. They offer models in all three of the most popular fuel sources gas, wood and pellet. However, their wood models provide you with a more efficient fuel source. Visit them today at to view their selection.

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Chase Jack Frost Away With a Wood Burning Stove

Nothing says winter like the sweet smell of burning wood or the wholesome, full feeling of warmth that can be obtained with a wood burning stove. Wood stoves have been a mainstay of heating for as long as most can remember and there is a good reason for this. The slow burning, radiating heat of a good log makes many people feel safe and secure in their winter nest while keeping that nasty winter cold at bay.

Click here to select your wood stove

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Silverthorne lifting ban on wood stoves

With winter comes the comfort and smells of hot chocolate, apple cider, delectable holiday treats -- and wood fires. This winter also may mean the chance for Silverthorne residents to install or upgrade wood stoves. From the mid-1990s until two years ago, solid fuel burning devices were banned in Silverthorne because of pollution problems in the valley. But since 2008, there has been a steady reintroduction of permissible devices each year -- first masonry heaters, then pellet stoves. Now, wood stoves are being brought to the town council table for consideration. More

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Choosing and Selecting Venting Requirements for...

When you are looking at Napoleon wood stoves for installing in your home, you will also need to consider your venting requirements. You will need some sort of chimney to vent the wood stove. You can choose to run your chimney along an exterior wall or up an interior wall. Modern styles no longer require that the chimney must be on an exterior wall. No matter where you decide to run the chimney, you will need to make sure you obtain compatible chimney hardware and accessories which will work with your Napoleon product.

Napoleon Wood Stoves Come in Different Sizes and Include Blower Options

There are different sizes of Napoleon wood stoves available on our website, here at Copperfield Chimney Supply. The size of wood stove will determine how much fuel you can place into the stove at a time, as well as how long the fire will last. All sizes of Napoleon stoves include options for blowers which help to blow more heated air into the home instead of going up the chimney.

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Pellet stoves - might be exactly what you need

Heating with wood had found a broad new acceptance. Residential wood heaters range from wood pellet stoves and boilers to instututional and industrial pellet stove heating schools, factories, mall centers and campuses.

Fully automated pellet systems of all sizes, bulk wood pellet delivery, refined and semi-dried wood chip fuels, advanced technology boilers with engineered emissions controls that bring down harmful pollutants, and combined heat and electric power (CHP) systems are steadily making inroads and on the cusp of mainstream acceptance.

Taking a look back:

In the winter of 2005, oil prices averaged $2.44 / gal. While many parts of the country were very cold, the answer seemed to be "turn up the heat". The problem with that was that many hard working Americans did not have the funds to support burning additional gas or fuel oil.

The answer for some was to purchase a pellet stove. The thought of lugging 40# bags of pellets was not pleasing to some, but considering the small amount of extra work vs. the savings, many folks opted in for a little extra work.

In 2007, oil prices went as high as $3.44 and in 2012, prices were even higher at $3.88. This fuel price increase surely supported the purchase of the pellet stove.

The average cost of a pellet stove at that time was about $3,500. Estimating an average of 2 tons of pellets per winter (1 ton of pellets = 1.5 cords of wood) at the average price of $217 per ton, The savings were astounding.

Author: Copperfield Chimney Supply

Wed, May 15, 2024

Burning time in the wood stove

In October, 45 degrees feels like a reason to start a fire in the woodstove. Less so in January, when 45 degrees feels unseasonably mild.

Still, there’s something disheartening about a cold woodstove, as if it were a conduit for cold air and bad spirits. So I light it, for the warmth, for the light, for the company, so that when I go outside there will be that burgee of smoke blowing from the chimney.

Watching the fire, I think sometimes about two terrifying rooms in the Iowa farmhouse where my dad grew up. One was the coal room for the furnace, the other the cob room for the kitchen cookstove. When I first saw them, both had been antiquated by oil and electricity. The coal room had a darkness that the eye couldn’t penetrate. Next door, the cobs had settled into a heap that hadn’t been disturbed in years. I can’t say what frightened me, unless it was a glimpse into an abandoned way of living.

I think of it now because when I light the woodstove, I realize that I am burning time. Handling the split logs, I notice their straightness or their irregularities. But when I feed them into the woodstove, I get one last, end-on glimpse of their tree rings. It’s like feeding chapters of a biological chronicle into the fire one by one. Some of the logs are older than the memory of that Iowa farmhouse.

I have neighbors who make an art of their woodpiles and kindling. I used to think that one day I’d make a round Swedish woodpile, roofed with bark. What I have instead is a large, well-kept pile of things I used to think I’d do one day. It never rots. The chipmunks never nest in it. Now and then, I actually do one of those things I thought I’d do one day. As it happens, sitting by the woodstove, burning time, is one of them.

Shop Wood Stoves Here

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.