
Wed, May 15, 2024

America's best BBQ cities

If you're like a lot of people, you can't wait for Memorial Day - the unofficial start of barbeque season. There's nothing quite like spending the evening with a cold beer and a plate piled high with chilled coleslaw, thick-cut French fries and succulent barbeque. With that said, here are the seven best cities for barbecue. More

Shop Gas Grills Here

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Convert Wood Burning Fireplaces to Gas Fireplaces

You can convert your old wood burning fireplace to gas by selecting from gas fireplace inserts which will fit into the current opening. You can choose to keep your existing chimney and run a chimney pipe to vent the gas fireplace, or you can close off the chimney and use a direct vent gas insert. You can find a variety of different models, as well as accessories and other hearth products when you shop Copperfield Chimney Supply .

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Flexible Gas Pipe Requires Different Types of C...

When you run flexible gas pipe from your main natural gas line you will need different types of connectors, tees and adapters. Tees are required when you are running the gas pipe to multiple appliances in the same general location. Rather than having to run two individual gas lines from the main pipe, you can use a tee to split the gas line and then run that section to each individual appliance.

Still Take Precautions When Working with Flexible Gas Pipe

Working with flexible gas pipe, like available from us, here at Copperfield Chimney Supply, you will find it is much easier to use than traditional iron gas pipe. Even though installing this type of gas line is simpler, you still need to take precautions when working with natural gas. After connecting your gas appliances, you can use a few drops of dish soap around the connector, turn the gas line on and watch for any soap bubbles. Soap bubbles indicate that there is a gas leak.

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Breathe New Life into Your Old Fireplace with a...

A wood stove insert can help breathe new life into your old fireplace. Instead of having to completely tear out the old fireplace, which can involve also tearing out a section of the chimney, an insert fits into the existing space. Modern inserts are also much more energy efficient, which means that more heat stays in your home, instead of going up the chimney.

You Can Heat Your Entire Home with a Wood Stove Insert

Depending upon the size of your home, you can use a wood stove insert, like those available on our website, here at Copperfield Chimney Supply, as a means to heat the house during the cold winter months. When you are able to connect the wood stove to your duct work, along with a forced air fan, you can easily provide heat for other rooms in the home. Using wood is much less expensive than running your furnace and will help save on your energy bills.

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Create The Ultimate Cozy Cabin Getaway This Fal...

One recent study found that fall is America’s favorite season (among 29% of respondents). Additionally, Christmas is consistently named as the nation’s favorite holiday, with Thanksgiving close by in almost every poll. It’s no surprise, then, that fall and winter are often associated with cozy memories, warmth, quality time with family, and times of joy. If you are planning a seasonal getaway to your cabin this fall or winter, you may already be dreaming about making memories like the ones listed above.

An excellent way to prepare for your cozy getaway is to enhance the rooms in your cabin . If you are looking for ways to create a warm and welcoming feel to your space , explore these top design strategies.

Find the right fireplace for your space

Optimizing your cabin space for a cozy getaway starts with choosing the right fireplace. Fireplaces are not only a design element that enhances overall ambiance, but they also provide a practical way to heat a room . Rather than picking a fireplace that appeals to you online, it’s essential to ensure that your chosen fireplace fits the size of your space, the colors in your cabin, and that it meets your needs. Start by measuring the desired area you’d like the fireplace to cover, and contact a professional for recommendations. Next, choose a fireplace that works well with your future or existing decor (depending on your plans for the space). Finally, decide whether you are looking for a gas fireplace or a wood burning option. Carefully assessing each of these elements will ensure that you get the coziest feel from your new fireplace.

Add “warm” decor elements

Your cabin decor is another crucial component of how “warm” each room feels. When painting and adding decorative elements, choose colors that reflect natural elements from the season of your choice. A color palette that includes brown, red, and dark orange shades is an excellent way to capture the feel of falling leaves, pumpkins, and maple syrup. For a warm winter feel, dark green, brown, and red make the perfect starting color palette. To add physical warmth, make blankets, pillows, and throws part of your decor.

Create a DIY beverage station

Whether your getaway is planned for fall or winter, a DIY beverage station is a fun way to add even more coziness to the experience. Your guests can enjoy a delicious, warm cup of cider or hot cocoa at their convenience on chilly days. In addition to the actual beverage being served, provide enhancements such as caramel, marshmallows, whipped cream, and sprinkles.

If you’re ready for your coziest-ever cabin getaway this fall or winter, following the above tips is a great way to get started. Make memories that will last a lifetime for both you and those who will be traveling with you!

Cassandra Pearson

Author: Copperfield Chimney Supply

Wed, May 15, 2024

Protect your children with these fireplace safe...

September is finally here, and while there's still a little bit of late-summer warmth left to enjoy, it won't be long before the cool, crisp autumn weather is here to stay. This time of year is the perfect time for fathers to bond with their children over Jack-o'-lantern carving, apple picking, hayrides and playing in the leaves. After a long day of fun outdoors, it's also great to warm up beside a roaring fire. Here are a few fireplace tips to teach your kids to keep them cozy and safe all season long.

No garbage, please
It might seem like good fun for kids to toss in crumpled up newspaper, paper airplanes or other garbage to burn in the fireplace, but it's best to limit your fire to wood only. Excess material, particularly garbage, can cause smoke to build up, which can leak back into your home and become a health concern.

Parental supervision
Most kids understand that they should never approach a fire too close or use their hands to touch anything nearby, but that may not stop them from wanting to help stoke the flames. If you feel that your kids are responsible enough, demonstrate how to use fireplace tools and then carefully help your little ones do it themselves.

No liquid fuel
Kids tend to get a thrill out of seeing a large, roaring fire, but under no circumstances should you use liquid lighter fluid to start your flame. This fuel can cause the fire to spread beyond the safe confines of your fireplace grate. Additionally, a fire that's too large can cause damage to your fireplace in the form of cracks and creosote buildup. Smaller fires are much safer and easier to manage.

Author: Copperfield Chimney Supply