
Wed, May 15, 2024

Napoleon Wood Stoves Help Reduce Energy Bills

During the colder months of the year, you can use Napoleon Wood Stoves to provide heating for the rooms in your home. You can install wood stoves in any room you desire and do not have to be limited to living room alone. Modern wood stoves are available in a variety of sizes. Wood is a renewable energy source which provides a more efficient way to heat the home and reduces your reliance on electric and gas heating.

Napoleon Wood Stoves are Energy Efficient

When selecting Napoleon wood stoves you will want to determine where you want to place the wood stoves in your home. Some styles will need to be placed away from the wall due to the amount of heat they give off. There are some models available which only need to have about 8 inches of clearance from the wall. All modern wood stoves are energy efficient with high heating efficiencies. You can find all your home hearth needs, including wood stoves when you shop at Copperfield Chimney Supply .

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Heat the Room with Fireplace Inserts and Blowers

Some brands of fireplace inserts include a blower, which is a fan which you can turn on to have the heat from the fire blown into the room. You gain much more heat from an insert which burns the wood much more efficiently. There are different types of inserts available for wood burning which can be purchased from Copperfield Chimney Supply .

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

CSST Gas Line or Steel Gas Pipe Required to Con...

When you get a brand new gas fireplace or gas stove, you will need to connect it to the natural gas line which comes into your house. If you do not already have a natural gas line connection, you will need to contact your local utility company and ask them to connect your home to the gas line of the utility company. Once this is done, you will then need to run your own gas pipe throughout your home and can choose between rigid steel gas pipe and flexible CSST gas line .

General Contractors Prefer Using Flexible CSST Gas Line

General contractors prefer using CSST gas line, which is available on our website, here at Copperfield Chimney Supply, over solid steel gas pipe for several reasons. First CSST line is flexible, which makes working around corners easy and simple. Next, this flexible gas line comes in long sections rather than small pieces. Since the gas line can be run in longer sections, it requires fewer connections. Using fewer connections means you will spend less money on running a gas line in your home.

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Restoring a neglected fireplace

Many people fall into the category of having no power after Hurricane Sandy swept through the state. And many turned to wood-burning fireplace for warmth and light.

Fireplaces have become the focal point of many homes and serves as a beautiful backdrop for parties. Fireplaces also create a sense of home when the entire family gathers around the fireplace to share memories and laughter.

If you have an older inoperable fireplace (as found in many older homes) that you want to put back into service, first you should assure that the chimney is operable and safe. A chimney sweep is the best source for make sure your chimney is in good shape and usable.

What you find behind a wall can be amazing. Anything from an old brick structure where the chimney has been removed to a completely operable brick fireplace. Sometimes all you need is a little facing renovation and you're all set to enjoy a newly commissioned fireplace. On the other hand, the old fireplace may have been covered over simply because the fireplace was no longer safe to use and therefore you have to make another choice if you want a fireplace. In some cases, a professional restorer can bring the old fireplace back to operable condition.

If you are restoring an older fireplace, there are many choices for the surrounding materials, including granite, marble, wood, and stone. You should also make sure the interior of the fireplace is intact, including an operable damper. There are commercially available brick liners that can be used to rejuvenate the interior of the fireplace.

Any fireplace or chimney that has not been used for a long time should be thoroughly cleaned and inspected before putting it back into operation. If there was a previous owner using the fireplace, you have no idea when the fireplace was serviced, what type of wood was burned and how the fireplace was operated. Creosote is very flammable and only proper cleaning will remove it. Generally you should have your fireplace cleaned and serviced once per year.

If your newly discovered fireplace is declared inoperable, you do have other choices, such as a gas, pellet or wood fireplace insert. With a new insert, you will have great athletics plus very high efficiency resulting in a great deal of heat from the fuel your choose to burn.

Author: Copperfield Chimney Supply

Wed, May 15, 2024

Coping with the cost of heat

Rising heating oil prices and dire forecasts predicting the most expensive heating season ever have left many local homeowners feeling anything but warm and fuzzy, with some scrambling to find cheaper ways to heat.

The good news is that there are options to heating with oil or natural gas, which tends to rise in price as oil does. Most of the alternatives require a hefty up-front investment, though.

But first, to the grim math facing homeowners as winter approaches:

The average cost of home heating oil in Massachusetts this past week was $3.91 a gallon, according to the state Department of Energy Resources survey. That's up 26 percent from the same week last year and up 44 percent from the previous year.

Put another way, filling a 275-gallon oil tank at the current average price costs a whopping $1,078, a budget-busting $220 increase from this time last year.

The U.S. Energy Information Agency predicted in a report released early this month that this winter will be the most expensive heating season on record for people who heat with oil or propane.

Richard and Mary Clark of Rutland no longer have to fret about that, though.

They had their old propane heating system ripped out in October in favor of a geothermal system that taps into the natural heat of the Earth underground.

“We had thought about solar or some form of heat like that to reduce our costs overall, and we've been thinking about it for some time, going back and forth with it,” Mr. Clark said. “We thought something like this would work, and it has.”

Mr. Clark said he set his thermostat at 68 degrees after the new system was installed last month and his house has remained within a degree of that temperature ever since. While the system will add to his electric bill to run a sophisticated heat pump, he will never have to buy a drop of oil, propane or natural gas for heating as long as he lives in the house.

Even in the most frigid of winters, the temperature below about eight feet underground holds steady at 51 degrees. Fluid running through a closed loop of pipes snaking deep into the ground soak up that heat and bring it to the surface, where it is extracted and concentrated by a geothermal heat pump, explained Chris Marengo, owner of Off the Grid CS Inc. in Leicester, which designed and installed the Clarks' system.

The system works in the reverse, carrying heat from the house down into the ground, in the summertime.

“The typical person who burns $3,000 a year in oil will pay about $440 a year to heat and cool their home with geothermal,” Mr. Marengo said.

There's just one catch, and it's a big one: the cost of retrofitting a house for geothermal heating and cooling can cost tens of thousands of dollars, Mr. Marengo said.

Mr. Clark said the investment made financial sense for him because he has owned his house for two decades and has no intention of ever moving.

“It's expensive, but overall, we've estimated that we'll recover the cost in five or six years,” he said.

Maryann Wood of Holden had a geothermal system installed at her house several years ago. While the system isn't large enough to completely supplant her old furnace in the dead of winter, her annual oil consumption has dropped from about 1,100 gallons to less than 400 gallons, she said.

Taking into account energy efficiency tax credits, she expected to recoup the cost of the geothermal system in seven years.

“We're ahead of schedule and really pleased,” she said. “I couldn't see the price of oil ever coming down for long, so I started looking at what else we could do.”

Mr. Marengo said some of his customers, for whom a geothermal retrofit is out of financial reach, have instead installed solar panels designed, not to generate electricity, but to heat up air in a network of small ducts. The heated air is then circulated into the house by a motorized blower.

The system doesn't work when the sun isn't shining, of course, but it can help minimize the amount of oil a homeowner has to buy at nearly $4 a gallon and climbing. Such systems start at several thousand dollars, he said.

Industry statistics indicate a rising number of homeowners also are trying to cut down on the amount of heating oil they use by installing wood or pellet stoves, which can stand alone or be inserted into traditional fireplaces.

From April to June this year, shipments from manufacturers to retailers of wood stove inserts, pellet stoves and pellet stove inserts shot up 32 percent, 59 percent and 72 percent, respectively, according to the Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Association.

“This year has been a busy year,” confirmed Ron Higgins, president of Higgins Energy Alternatives in Barre. “People are certainly concerned about the increased cost of fuel oil, so we're seeing a spike of people coming in to see what they could do to save some money on heating.”

Wood and pellet stoves are designed to capture and circulate much more of the heat from a fire than logs burning in a traditional fireplace, a case in which most of the heat is lost up the chimney. The cost of wood and pellet stoves range from about $2,000 to $4,000, not including installation, which typically runs another few thousand dollars depending on the situation, Mr. Higgins said.

For a pellet stove, the most efficient of the hearth products, an average user burns about a bag of wood pellets a day. That works out to around three tons, or roughly $750, a year, he said.

“So for less than one tank of oil, you can be toasty warm all winter with a pellet stove. The savings can be significant,” Mr. Higgins said.

For those with wood stoves or traditional fireplaces, new compressed saw dust bricks and logs on the market burn longer, cleaner and are more energy dense than cord wood.

Steven Lanata, one of the owners of BioPellet LLC in Connecticut, said his company has sold out of BioBricks compressed sawdust blocks through February and into March.

“It's insane. I get calls all day with dealers screaming at me. ‘Where's my truckload?' We run our plant seven days a week, and we still can't keep up this year,” Mr. Lanata said.

The bricks weigh about two pounds each and are made of kiln-dried sawdust with no glues or chemical binders. The average burn time is an hour a brick, Mr. Lanata said.

Similar products in the form of artificial logs also have been selling well here, Mr. Higgins said.

One other heating alternative, one originally intended to compete with oil on environmental grounds, may soon cost less too.

People have long been converting used cooking oil from restaurants into biodiesel fuel for trucks and other diesel vehicles, but the converted cooking oil also will burn in oil furnaces without any modification of the equipment, noted Sarah Assefa and Scott Guzman of the Empower Energy Coop in Worcester.

The coop has been making and selling biodiesel in the city on a small scale for years. The eco-friendly product currently sells for $4 a gallon, but Empower has no plans to raise the price in the foreseeable future, while the price of fuel oil is expected to continue to rise this winter.

The self-described social entrepreneurs collect used cooking oil from more than two-dozen restaurants around the city, pumping it into barrels which they load onto a pickup truck for transport.

“Then we filter it and process it,” Mr. Guzman said. “Processing includes drying it out to remove any water. We mix it and heat it with two chemicals, potassium hydroxide and methanol. Those are both things found in nature that can be made from wood.”

Empower Energy has the capacity to make about 400 gallons of biodiesel a month now, but Ms. Assefa said the coop is working to increase its capacity over the next year.

While some oil companies now add small amounts of biodiesel to petroleum-based fuel oil to reduce pollution, it might one day be possible for people to heat their homes with oil burners using only biodiesel – and to save money while doing it.

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Preparing outdoor spaces for barbecue season

Let us give thanks for the rain but please, enough already! We think it's high time for barbecues and restful Saturday afternoons listening to baseball on the radio. But before this scene becomes reality, a little work is in order. Plants need to be trimmed, decks need to be cleaned and gas grills need to be readied. More

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.