
Wed, May 15, 2024

Silverthorne lifting ban on wood stoves

With winter comes the comfort and smells of hot chocolate, apple cider, delectable holiday treats -- and wood fires. This winter also may mean the chance for Silverthorne residents to install or upgrade wood stoves. From the mid-1990s until two years ago, solid fuel burning devices were banned in Silverthorne because of pollution problems in the valley. But since 2008, there has been a steady reintroduction of permissible devices each year -- first masonry heaters, then pellet stoves. Now, wood stoves are being brought to the town council table for consideration. More

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Choosing and Selecting Venting Requirements for...

When you are looking at Napoleon wood stoves for installing in your home, you will also need to consider your venting requirements. You will need some sort of chimney to vent the wood stove. You can choose to run your chimney along an exterior wall or up an interior wall. Modern styles no longer require that the chimney must be on an exterior wall. No matter where you decide to run the chimney, you will need to make sure you obtain compatible chimney hardware and accessories which will work with your Napoleon product.

Napoleon Wood Stoves Come in Different Sizes and Include Blower Options

There are different sizes of Napoleon wood stoves available on our website, here at Copperfield Chimney Supply. The size of wood stove will determine how much fuel you can place into the stove at a time, as well as how long the fire will last. All sizes of Napoleon stoves include options for blowers which help to blow more heated air into the home instead of going up the chimney.

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Modernize Your Old Fireplace with Fireplace Ins...

When you are tired of looking at the old fireplace in your home which you have boarded up to keep cold air out, you can convert it to a modern fireplace. You can use fireplace inserts which have blower motors and are a self-contained system. You can choose between gas and wood burning inserts to start enjoying you fireplace and provide heat for your home. Modern fireplaces available from Copperfield Chimney Supply are energy efficient and provide alternative heating for your home.

Fireplace Inserts Require a Chimney

Installing fireplace inserts will require the use of a chimney to vent smoke out of the house. You may be able to use your existing chimney in certain cases or be required to install a new stainless steel chimney inside the existing structure. Inserts provide an air tight solution which keeps the warm air in your home and prevents it from going up the chimney, like is common with traditional fireplaces.

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Why You Need a Stainless Steel Chimney Liner

Having a stainless steel chimney liner will not only help you to improve your home's heating but they also protect your home as well. At Copperfield Chimney Supply, you will find many of the latest styles of chimney liners that can help you in protecting your home and your family. They provide you with only the latest highest quality chimney liners and other fireplace needs at reasonable prices. You can see their entire line of products at their web site .

Stainless Steel Chimney Liner Available in Many Sizes

When you need a stainless steel chimney, liner it is good to have them available to you in any size you need for your chimney. They carry liners that will fit all of the standard chimney sizes. Many of the normal chimneys are six inches to eight inches in diameter. You will have to measure you chimney to ensure a perfect fit.

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

No Muss, No Fuss with a Direct Vent Fireplace

At the end of the day there is nothing quite like the warmth and ambience created by a real flame, but messing with wood or pellets can distract from that relaxation. In addition, if your home is newer, you may not have a chimney, or the skills to install extensive piping. A good choice here is a direct vent fireplace. 'Direct vent' fireplaces burn natural or propane gas and are vented through the outside wall, making them less costly to install and simpler to maintain than traditional fireplaces.

A New Direct Vent Fireplace is Just a Point and Click Away

Purchasing a new direct vent fireplace is as easy as paying a visit to Copperfield Chimney Supply . With their simple, no nonsense layout that offers all the 'tech specs' of each individual fireplace at the click of a mouse, as well as photos and live customer support, the choice is practically made for you. Ordering your product is just as rewarding and you are sure to be satisfied.

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Window Maintenance

It will be necessary to clean the glass window periodically. It is recommended that the window be cleaned at least 2 or 3 times per season with Gas Fireplace Glass Cleaner, following the manufacturer's instructions. This is a special window cleaner (there are many different manufacturers) that polishes the surface and leaves a protective coating behind.

Do not use any ammonia compounds to clean the glass as they will cause 'crazing' (small spider cracks) to appear in the glass. The need for more frequent cleaning will be caused by excessive silicone use or improper venting on direct vent fireplaces, and poor drafting on natural vent fireplaces..

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.