
Wed, May 15, 2024

Heat your home this winter without burning it down

Winter's coming and it's getting cold. Time to dust off the ol' heating unit and get your home all nice and toasty. But before you strike a match or turn a dial, make sure you're doing so safely.

Before we get into individual heat sources, let's replace the batteries in those fire alarms. A good rule is to change them out whenever you set the clocks forward or back. So, if you slacked off and didn't change them this past weekend, do it now.

Some of these checklist items seem like common knowledge or "duh," but when it's negative 45-degrees outside, you might forget that you moved your favorite chair in front of the heater. Let's check all this now before we're calling 911 because a curtain got too close to a space heater.


- Whens the last time you had your chimney inspected and cleaned? If you can't remember, it's probably a good time to call the ol' chimney sweep. This should be done annually.

- Make sure to clear any debris that may have deposited themselves on your roof and especially near your chimney. This is also a good time to get your frisbees off the roof.

- Prune any branches that may be near your chimney. Prune means trim some branches back. If you have a hug log of a branch over your house, hire a professional. It's all fun and games until your drop a 20-foot branch through your roof because you rented a chainsaw at the hardware store.

- Remember to open the flu before starting your first fire. Nothing says a bad time like a house filled with smoke.

- Clean out the hearth. Who knows what's ended up in there during the summer. Give it a good cleaning before you're freezing you ass off.

- Move any furniture that's creeped closer to the fireplace while the sun was a blazin' high.

- If you're not actively working on the fire, close the metal mesh screen.


- Like your fireplace, your boiler/furnace should be inspected annually. Get it done now before it gets too cold.

- Check your fluids. Make sure your device has the appropriate amount of water to function.

- Check the unit for leaking water or puddles under the unit. If you see water, this could be a sign of a pressure system failure. Call a plumber with boiler experience.

- Move any items that have accumulated around your boiler/furnace since it was last operated. Like the box for your HDTV. Seriously, take that thing to the curb.

- Check, and if necessary, replace filters. This includes the oil filter if your furnace/boiler has one.

- Make sure all the gauges are working properly.


- Move all your papers off the radiator. I know all summer you've been putting your mail on that thing. Move them.

- While you're at it, move all your furniture away from the metal heat machine.

- If children or klutzes are present, consider investing in a radiator cover. This will cut down on burns.

- Make sure the insulation around the pipe that connects to your radiator is in good shape. If it's unraveling or just falling apart, replace it.

Wall Heaters:

- Move furniture away from the heater (starting to detect a pattern?).

- Also get rid of that pile of magazines that are sitting in front of the heater.

- Now's a good time to clean/replace any filters.

- If your wall heater is gas powered, check the pilot light. If it has gone out and you're unsure how to relight it, your local utility company will light it for you. Sometimes for free.

- If your heater doesn't have a filter, before you turn it on for the first time, take the vacuum to the vents. It'll remove all the dust that's accumulated and make the first time you start the heater not smell like your baking a dirt cake.

Central Heating:

- Central heating is the safest way to heat your home so check your filters. They're probably filled with dust and possibly, mouse poop.

Space Heater:

- Thoroughly clean your space heater before use.

- Check for frayed wires. Don't try to McGyver frayed wires back together. Unless you're an electrician, just buy a new space heater.

- Do not use an extension cord. Unplug your fancy gadget from the wall and plug in the heater. Hypothermia isn't as cool as the Deadliest Catch makes it out to be.

- Keep it away from furniture and your paper maché collection. Give space heaters at least three-feet of clearance.

- Do not put the space heater on thick or deep carpet. The carpet could burn and/or the space heater could overheat.

- If you leave the room, turn it off.

Staying warm during the fall and winter is critical in some parts of the world. But no matter how cold it gets, you should refrain from using BBQs, or any other device that's made to work outside, inside your home. Besides the potential for a fire, the threat carbon monoxide poisoning is very real. find another way to keep yourself warm.

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Fireplace safety easy but vital

A cozy fire in the fireplace sure helps beat the winter chill. But improper installation or operation can turn a fireplace into a definite hazard that can be prevented with proper preparation.

The first and most critical factor in the case of wood burning fireplace is the chimney. The chimney must be clean and free of creosote contaminants. Creosote is the main source of fuel for a chimney fire. Chimney fires can cause extreme damage to your home and should be avoided at all cost. Having your chimney professionally cleaned and inspected is one way to assure you will not have a problem. Commercial chemicals are available for removing creosote from the chimney but nothing will be as complete as brushing the chimney.

If your chimney does not draft properly due to improper installation or improper operation of your appliance, that can also lead to serious problems. Obviously if you are burning wood and your chimney does not draft correctly, you will see and smell smoke. Carbon monoxide, emitted from gas appliances, is odorless and you cannot see it so a carbon monoxide detector should be employed in the home.

Glass fronted fireplace currently have a "screen barrier" which helps prevent children from getting serious burns from touching the glass front. Older fireplaces do no have the screen barrier so other methods should be taken to prevent children from touching the glass front. Folding fireplace screens are a good protection method for older fireplaces.

With a few precautions taken, the fireplace can be a beautiful center place in the home providing many hours of relaxing ambiance and heat.

Author: Copperfield Chimney Supply

Wed, May 15, 2024

A Direct Vent Fireplace Helps You Identify the ...

When you purchase an existing home you may find the home comes with a fireplace. However, you might have no idea what type of fireplace is installed. One way to distinguish gas from wood burning fireplaces is whether there is a chimney which goes out through the roof. Another thing to look for is a direct vent. A direct vent fireplace is a gas fireplace and the vent will be along the exterior wall of the home and will not have a chimney.

Difference between Models of Direct Vent Fireplace Units

There are differences between models of direct vent fireplace units on the market today, like those available on our website, here at Copperfield Chimney Supply. Some styles will be all self-contained with the direct vent hidden from normal view. Other types will have a short chimney-like structure which will go up from the fireplace and out of the side exterior wall and are in plain sight.

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Effective Ways to Keep Pests Out of Your Firepl...

Pest such as cockroaches, rodents, and ants can make their way into your home from many sources, and it is important to keep your home sealed against them to avoid health consequences and discomfort. Pest types vary according to state and some years are worse than others - for instance, 2018 year saw flies, ants, and mosquitoes plague people in 41 states, with around 34% of people seeking professional solutions. Proper installation of fireplaces will help reduce the risk of pests entering your home in warm and cold seasons alike but you can take additional steps to keep your home 100% pest-free.

Installing a Fireplace Door

A fireplace door that is resistant to heat can be completely shut when your fire isn’t burning. This is key during winter, since small animals and rodents can seek warmth in homes, making an entryway though your chimney. Installing a door will make your home considerably less interesting, and you can keep rodents completely out by shutting the chimney once the embers are no longer aflame.

Organize Your Firewood

If you have a large storage space for your firewood, ensure that the logs are organized according to the date of acquisition. Make sure to burn the oldest logs first, since insects have a greater likelihood of producing a sizable colony in old wood. Be particularly strict with log use if you live with people with allergies and respiratory conditions. Toxic pests can trigger asthma and other allergies. In fact, around one third of people with other allergies are also allergic to cockroaches. Symptoms of exposure include everything from chest pain to wheezing. To keep these issues at bay, ensure that logs are neatly and clearly stored so that everyone in the family knows where they should be taking wood from when they wish to start a fire.

Buy Recently Cut Wood

Unless you cut wood yourself, buy wood cut in the recent months to ensure it is fresh and pest-free. If supply of fresh wood is low, consider contacting local logging companies, tree services, and professionals in the reclaimed lumber industry. Check wood before you bring it indoors, ensuring that beetles, carpenter ants, and termites are absent. Bring wood in at the moment you will be burning it, to avoid insects infesting other items of furniture in your home.

Store Wood Optimally

You should store wood far from the fireplace; ideally, all wood should be stored outdoors. Aim to store wood off the ground, to reduce the amount of moisture buildup in the wood. To achieve this goal, consider storing wood atop a makeshift table made of bricks or concrete blocks. To ensure bringing logs to and fro is easy, invest in a log trolley. These are available for $30 or less and can be considered a small investment in your back health. Free reclaimed wood is sometimes available from excavating companies, owners of old barns, remodelling contractors and the like.

Insects and rodents can make their way into your fireplace either through old logs or through the chimney. Fireplace doors and chimney flues will keep rodents out, while using new wood and storing logs outside will ensure insects do not infest your home. Pests can have a big effect on your family’s health and this is especially true for those with asthma and other allergies. The good news is that being vigilant and organized will reduce the chances of a home infestation to zero.

Author: Copperfield Chimney Supply

Wed, May 15, 2024

The beauty of a fireplace, without a chimney

Would you like the beauty and warmth of a fire with realistic flames but without all the work of cleaning the chimney, carrying wood, cleaning the ashes, not to mention the danger of setting fire to the house? If so, an electric fireplace is the ideal solution for you. More

Buy Electric Fireplaces here....

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Stay Warm in winter with Napoleon Fireplaces

As the weather begins to change in the fall and starts to cool off, many people start to look forward to the cooler weather. Eventually winter will arrive, meaning colder temperatures and snow forcing you indoors until spring returns. You can enjoy winter indoors when you install Napoleon fireplaces in your home. There are a variety of different models available including wood burning fireplaces, gas fireplaces and fireplace inserts.

Energy Efficient Napoleon Fireplaces for Your Home

Adding a fireplace to your home provides you with an alternative heating method which can help save on your energy bills during the cold winter months. Napoleon fireplaces offers several different wood burning models which are energy efficient and keeps the heat in the house instead of letting it escape up the chimney. There are even models available with optional blowers to vent the hot air from the fire directly into the room. You can find Napoleon brand products available from Copperfield Chimney Supply with offers quality hearth products for the home.

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.