
Wed, May 15, 2024

Why Flexible Gas Pipe is Important

The use of flexible gas pipe is important because it gives you more freedom to where you place your gas lines. They also make it so you can maneuver your pipes to the most convent and efficient places for your needs. They come in handy for when there are joints or other obstacles in your way. You can find a wide variety of flexible pipes at Copperfield Chimney Supply. Their web site can help you find the right pipe for all your heating needs.

Fewer Worries with Flexible Gas Pipe

With flexible gas pipe, you will have fewer worries than you do with traditional gas piping. They offer you a way to have your gas pipes without the need of couplings and other connectors that can potentially leak. The flexible pipes will make a safer environment for your family as well. You can find a wide variety of flexible gas pipes at Copperfield Chimney Supply where they carry many different types of home heating products.

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Gas Fireplaces Are Easier to Use and Maintain t...

Gas fireplaces are easier to maintain than traditional wood burning fireplaces. There are no ashes or other types of deposits, like creosote to have to clean up after using the fireplace. Starting a fire is also easier with gas units and in most cases, you just flip a switch and the fireplace ignites. There is no wood to attempt to light on fire nor do you have to wait until for the fire to start generating heat, as gas units will make heat as soon as they are turned on.

Gas Fireplaces Can Be Used Just About Anywhere in the Home

Installing gas fireplaces, like the ones available on our website, here at Copperfield Chimney Supply, are easier to install than wood burning fireplaces. Since you only need a gas line connection and a direct vent to the outdoor air, you can place gas units just about anywhere in the home. You do not have to worry about installing a chimney when you place at least one side of the fireplace on an exterior wall for venting.

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

CSST Gas Line is Less Expensive to Install than...

Connecting your gas fireplace or stove to your natural gas line will require using different types of connections. You can choose to use traditional piping, which is rigid and makes going around corners and angles difficult. Or you can use CSST gas line , which is a special type of flexible gas pipe and is less expensive to install. Rather than having a bunch of short sections of rigid pipe, you can use one long section of flexible gas pipe.

CSST Gas Line Can Be Used for More than Just Fireplaces

You can use CSST gas line not only for your gas fireplace or stove, but also for other types of gas appliances. You can connect your gas hot water heater, gas dryer, or gas grill to your natural gas line using this type of flexible gas line. You can even obtain a kit which contains everything you need to connect a single appliance, here at Copperfield Chimney Supply.

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Certified Fireplace Barriers Approved for Gas F...

The CSA - America Vented Heater Technical Advisory Group met in Cleveland on Dec. 13, 2011 and approved language mandating certified barriers to protect children and other at-risk people from the glass fronts of gas fireplaces. This recommendation for a revised standard now goes to the CSA Z21.50 and Z21.88 committees for their review.

If ultimately approved by the ANSI Board of Standards, a gas fireplace or gas heater must include a certified barrier if the temperature of the glass front can exceed 172 degrees F. The Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (HPBA) supports this revision and is committed to educating homeowners on safety precautions when using their fireplaces and other home heating products.

"Safety is our first priority, and we want people to enjoy the warmth and ambiance of their fireplaces and stoves, but be reminded that they can get hot," said Jack Goldman, president & CEO of HPBA. "Children are by nature curious and need to be protected from hot surfaces."

In 2007, HPBA developed an internationally-recognized warning symbol for manufacturers and retailers of gas fireplaces and gas heaters to inform homeowners that glass fronts can become extremely hot due to their high efficiency, and precautions should be taken. HPBA also recommends that consumers follow the manufacturer's instructions for the safe use and maintenance of their heating products. To learn more about HPBA's safety guidelines, please visit the website .

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Install Your Gas Fireplace Using Duravent Parts

Adding a gas fireplace to your home can add beauty and charm, while at the same time increasing the value of your home. When you are installing the gas fireplace you will want to select and area of the home where you will be able to properly vent the fireplace as well as run the gas line. You will want to use the same brand of venting materials that your fireplace manufacturer specifies, like those form Duravent, and should not mix brands.

Duravent Parts and Accessories Available Online

When you need to run a gas vent your gas fireplace or gas stove you can obtain all the needed parts and accessories made by Duravent. This brand of parts and accessories provides you with all the materials you will need to complete the install and include chimney conversion kits, elbows, couplers, termination caps, and ceiling supports, all available from Copperfield Chimney Supply .

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Duravent Products Help Keep Your Family Safe

There is nothing worse than the concerns of carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide buildup in your home. With Duravent's line of venting products you can rest assured that those gases go right up and out of your home. Piping with twist-lock assembly there is no need for sealants or gaskets seams. These are just some of the advantages of choosing Duravent for your direct vent ventilation needs. You can find them at Copperfield Chimney Supply.

There is No Reason to Sacrifice Your Style with Duravent

Just because you are venting gases from your home is no reason to have to sacrifice your style for functionality. Duravent direct vent piping comes in three different finishes and offers a seamless design that easily fades into any background. You can see all three just by visiting today and searching for Duravent. There you will view many different styles of venting available for your home.

Author: Rick Eudaley, Copperfield Chimney Supply Inc.